well. i still havent finished my redecorating. i'm kind of stuck on where to go from here. but i will say that the only reason i'm redecorating is because the jeffrey campbell clinic shoes fell through (possibly cause of a dodgy ebay seller) so i spent all my money at ikea instead. with still more to buy. oh ikea, i should be a stock holder.
dress - no name from ebay
belt - no name
skirt - rupert&sherlock
shoes - michael antonio
wore that the other day to go to the op shop to buy some little golden books for a project i'm doing. i only found one though. so ebay is my friend and ive got a few more. but those shoes i'm wearing are new i got from the states. they are super tall (they don't look it in the photo but they are close to 5" with a platform). the highest shoes i own. they defy my gravity skills plus they also exaggerate every bump and slope in the uneven footpaths. they are also half a size too big (ssshhh don't tell ben) but cause of the straps it's no real problem. i also look like i'm dancing with myself. la la la.

to the left is a new prototype for a necklace i'm working on. its got a leather backing with, well obviously chains. i think it's a bit lacking and needs more chains. it also doesn't stay very flat and that, i need a stiff backing on it. don't know what to use yet though. so i'm going to work on that tomorrow. or something. i believe i have too many projects to do at once.
just cause it's funny that someone went to the effort to wash the jar out then return it to the shelf.

- her.
EDIT: i just realised the title says procrastinationator. it was originally 'pro. crastination'. then i added the 'ator' without deleting the 'tion'. i'm not going to change it though. it's funny.
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