Monday, November 09, 2009

spring is queen.

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[ eyeshadow & blush by orglamix @ etsy ] [ rose ring by lizhutnick @ etsy ] [ dino ring by theriveriseverywhere @ etsy ]
[ purple glasses from quay eyewear ] [ orange necklace EzzaExclusive @ etsy ] [ floral skirt by grevilleadesign @ etsy ]
[ shoes by kvoll ]

i have a very love hate relationship with spring. i love spring because i am able to wear brights and florals and not look like i'm the odd one out. i wear them all year long. its also great because shops will actually stock new prints and styles. but what i'm not to fond of is the heat. i'm not a heat person yet so many people are and they think i'm crazy. in winter you can layer up, wear beatiful tights, longer sleeves with lace tops, coats and scarves. in summer, well theres not much you can do to dress down. you cant wear a bikini to the corner store, right? although i dont go out much and i still wear tights and cardigans in 40 degree heat. so i guess i should rejoice for all the new florals available for my wardrobe.
now to tackle hayfever.

- her.

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